




The General Assembly declared sine die last night after using the full eleven days it had remaining in the 2020 Legislative Session. 正如许多人预测的那样, the legislature's top priorities for the remaining days included passing the FY21 budget, 反映了10%的削减, 通过仇恨犯罪法案, 肯普州长周五签署的法案. 

Georgia agriculture saw success this week as Senate Bill 211 passed the House on Thursday. The bill - which passed the Senate during the 2019 session - calls for truth in labeling, prohibiting companies from referring to plant-based or lab-grown product as "meat." Proper labeling of protein substances has been a priority issue for 乔治亚州农场局 (GFB) for many years, and we worked diligently with a number of agriculture and retail groups across the state to craft a bill that would satisfy all affected parties. We applaud the hard work and diligence of Senator Tyler Harper who carried this bill through the legislature over the past two years.

如你所知, 众议院第545号法案, 农业权法案, passed out of the Senate last week with an amendment that removed many of the protections that our current law had in place. 很大程度上是由于党派分歧, 众议院第545号法案 did not make it to a conference committee where it could have once again been amended, 随着2020年立法会议的结束, 该法案最终被否决. 2021年立法会议将是新两年期的第一年, 还有新的议员名单, and GFB staff will spend the off-season dedicated to wordsmithing a new bill to send through the proper channels as the legislature reconvenes in January. 虽然这不是我们所希望的结果, 接到这么多电话,我们非常感激, 电子邮件, and visits that our members made to their legislators over the past two sessions. 你们的努力帮助我们继续朝着正确的方向前进, 你们的奉献并没有被忽视.

请关注下周2020年立法会议的最终回顾. 一如既往地, 如果你有任何问题, 请随时与我们公共政策部的职员联络.


代表. 科贝特,伯恩斯,麦考尔,英格兰,史密斯,拉里西亚
This bill would allow for the Department of Community Affairs to review the 2021 International Building Code so as to consider amending the state minimum standard codes to allow tall mass timber construction types.
于20年2月20日在众议院通过. 参议院于2016年6月16日通过.

HB 847:大麻法规更新
代表. Corbett, McCall, Dickey, Pruett和Gilliard
This update to the hemp legislation that was passed last legislative session makes technical adjustments to comply with federal rules, creates a new license for a hemp nursery grower allowing sale to another permittee, 设置初始处理器许可费用为25美元,000, 自动续订费用从10美元增加,000 to $50,在第一个历年之后,可获得10,000英镑, 并在收获前建立抽样测试要求.
20年5月3日众议院以替代方式通过. 20年6月22日参议院通过.

代表. 伯切特,伯恩斯,麦考尔,科贝特,罗兹,华生
This would provide for a uniform timber harvest ordinance statewide and establish a statewide notification process by the Georgia Forestry Commission. 
于20年4月3日在众议院通过. 参议院于2016年6月22日替代通过. 众议院于20年6月25日同意参议院的替代方案.

Sens. 伯切特,科比特,皮尔克尔,麦考尔,雷德利,罗兹
This bill would regulate the harvest, sale, and personal home use of palmetto berries. 
20年3月3日众议院以替代方式通过. 20年6月19日由参议院替代通过. 众议院于20年6月25日同意参议院的替代方案.

代表. 罗德,弗莱明,欧文,弗莱
This bill would authorize further regulation of soil amendments derived from industrial by-products by local governments.
20年12月3日众议院以替代方式通过. 参议院于20年6月25日通过.

HB 1093: Establishing an Agricultural Commodity Commission for Wine and Grapes
代表. Meeks, McCall, Pirkle, Ridley, Watson
This bill would allow for the establishment of an Agricultural Commodity Commission for Wine and Grapes.
于20年12月3日在众议院通过. 20年6月23日参议院以替代方式通过. 众议院于20年6月25日同意参议院的替代方案.

Sens. 哈珀,威尔金森,布莱克,安德森,沃克,希思
This bill will prohibit the sale and advertisement of nonanimal and non-slaughtered animal flesh from being called meat.
于19年7月3日在参议院通过. 于20年6月25日被替代采用. 参议院于20年6月25日同意众议院替代法案.

SB 346:国家兽医委员会
Sens. 布莱克,伯克,安德森,哈勒尔,佩恩
This bill would allow for the addition of a veterinary technician to the State Board of Veterinary Medicine as well as provide a professional health program for impaired veterinarians.
于20年3月3日在参议院通过. 众议院于20年6月19日通过.

SB 358:麝香葡萄作为州葡萄
Sens. 哈珀,西姆斯,伯克,沃克,布莱克,卡林沙克
于20年10月3日在参议院通过. 众议院于20年6月19日通过.

Sens. 威尔金森,安德森,哈珀,伯克,拉赫曼
This bill would change the fees for impounding animals and disposing of impounding animals that are running at large or straying.
于20年2月28日在参议院通过. 众议院于20年6月17日通过.

Sens. 柯克帕特里克,伯克,布莱克,沃克,威尔金森,拉赫曼
This would deem certain information obtained by the Department of Agriculture from the Federal Food and Drug Administration confidential and not subject to disclosure.
于20年10月3日在参议院通过. 众议院于6/26/20通过.


HB 23:提供宽带服务的EMC授权
代表. 休斯顿,鲍威尔,英格兰,华生,科比特和格林
众议院第23号法案是农村发展委员会提出的另一项法案. This bill authorizes electric membership corporations (EMC) to establish or partner with another entity to provide broadband services to its members independent from its electrical services. This bill will also allow for EMCs to apply for federal grants to provide broadband.
于2019年2月11日在众议院通过. 分配给参议院监管行业和公用事业.

HB 455:乔治亚州农业营销管理局
代表. 休斯顿,英格兰,麦考尔,吉利亚德和斯托瓦尔
该法案创建了乔治亚州农业营销管理局, the purpose of the authority is to manage the facilities and activities of farmers markets. The Authority will market and promote agricultural products to agribusinesses and the public in an effort to boost the state's economy.
19年3月5日众议院通过. 分配到参议院农业和消费者事务委员会.

HB 545:农场权
代表. 麦考尔,伯恩斯,英格兰,华生,皮尔克尔和迪基
This legislation seeks to strengthen and protect farmers from loopholes in our states right to farm laws. This clarification in language helps producers by clearing up language that is vague and could be interpreted in ways detrimental to agriculture.
众议院于19年7月3日通过. 20年6月18日由参议院替代通过.

HB 690:免除农业建筑的许可费
代表. Burchett, McCall, Pirkle, Rhodes, Corbett

HB 829:授权减少住宅宅基地物业评估
代表. 斯蒂芬斯和哈勒尔
This bill would allow for local governments to hold a referendum to reduce the 40% assessment of residential homestead property owned by those aged 65 or older to only 20%. 这只适用于当地学区的教育税. 
20年3月3日众议院以替代方式通过. 20年4月3日被分配到参议院财政委员会.

代表. 韦尔奇,麦考尔,奈特
This bill would require veterinarians or veterinary technicians that provide treatment to animals to scan such animals' microchips and to report ownership information under certain circumstances.

HB 1015:乔治亚州碳封存登记税收抵免
代表. 威道尔,伯恩斯,史密斯,琼斯,科比特和盖恩斯
Allows for building materials and timber products to be included in the Georgia Carbon Sequestration Registry for tax credits.

Sens. 柯克帕特里克,布莱克,沃克,考瑟特,安德森,西姆斯
该法案将要求宠物经销商、狗舍、马厩等获得执照., and would also allow the Commissioner to promulgate rules and regulations for animal protection.  

Sens. 沃克,威尔金森,布莱克,安德森,希尔,伯克
于20年2月3日在参议院通过. House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee Favorably Reported on 6/24/20.

SB 407:规范棕榈浆果的收获和销售
Sens. 哈珀,希斯,伯克,哈雷尔,吉恩
This bill would regulate the harvest, sale, and personal home use of palmetto berries. 
Natural Resources and Environment Favorably Reported by Substitute on 3/04/20. House Agriculture and Consumer Affairs Committee Favorably Reported on 6/17/20.